My best frienemies

This weekend was an exciting mix of pet interaction and reminders. While being a good human I found a new park to visit, went on several short trips, combated an unabundant mindset and decided to find new ways for my furry friends to be active and entertained. I was reminded however they are territorial pack animals by nature. When we are out enjoying a walk and another dog gets within their line of sight, a series of action occur. First I brace myself for the imminent tugging and resistance. Next a bout of bickering occurs between Gypsy and Jackie like clock work. Its as if she's instigating Gypsy, the larger of the two, to become defensive. This carries on for as long as it takes us to pass by the other pet and his or her good human. The whole interaction leaves me baffled as to why I trouble myself to even take them on walks.
Generating this post shortly after doing rounds in their backyard for poo removal. Suppose my chore has reminded me of a disconnect. As many times during the time I'm at home with them during the afternoon and evening they're let outside to romp around the yard, I should take the extra steps to help them release excess energy by letting them explore the outdoors beyond their fence.
Now watching Animal Cops Detroit and I immediately forgive myself of any and all of the in attentiveness I've imagined that I'm guilty of. Forgetting to refill their water bowl, being annoyed by their constant grooming of private parts, and yelling at Gypsy for trailing behind me around the house where ever I go. The cases from Animal Cops are victims of cruelty and neglect, not my animals by any stretch of the imagination.